Topics & News
Takanori ABE will give a lecture entitled "Medical Standard of Care" at Faculty of Medicine, Osaka University.
NEWUK Law Firm has visited ABE & PARTNERS.
Our firm member enjoyed watching "American Manhunt: O.J. Simpson".
German Law & Patent Firm has visited ABE & PARTNERS.
UK Law Firm has visited ABE & PARTNERS.
open_in_newTakanori ABE gave a speech at AIPPI Pharma Webinar "What Discovery Mechanisms Exist in China, Japan, Korea, and India to Aid in the Preparation of a Preliminary Injunction (PI) Request or General Evidence Gathering?".
open_in_new NEWABE & PARTNERS represented Bayer Healthcare against Samsung Bioepis in an Unfair Competition PI Case and received a dismissal decision.
US Law Firm has visited ABE & PARTNERS.
NEWABE & PARTNERS represented U.S. Pharmaceutical Company against X in Patent Opposition and received a decision to maintain the patent.
Takanori ABE gave a speech regarding Japanese pharmaceutical patent litigation at the client company (a pharmaceutical company, listed on the Prime Market of Tokyo Stock Exchange).
Takanori ABE gave a lecture entitled "How was Japanese patent litigation reformed" at Japan-China IP Conference organized by JAPIT.
open_in_newTakanori ABE's article titled "Patent royalty claim dismissed due to a demurrer, admitting the reach of an arbitration agreement - Defendants' measures and plaintiffs? risk reduction -" had been published on Japan Commercial Arbitration Journal Vol. 5 [2024].
Chinese Law Firm has visted ABE & PARTNERS.
NEWABE & PARTNERS represented Japanese Pharmaceutical Company against Indian Pharmaceutical Company in the Trial for Patent Invalidation for vaccine patent case and received invalidity decision.
Takanori ABE's comment appeared in an article titled "Avoiding disputes between university and industry, patent agreements are critical" in Yomiuri Newspaper.
Takanori ABE has been selected as IP Star 2024 by Managing Intellectual Property.
Takanori ABE gave a lecture entitled "Medical Standard of Care" at Faculty of Medicine, Osaka University.
open_in_newABE & PARTNERS has been ranked Tier2 in Japan Domestic, Patents by Asian Legal Business' ALB 2024 IP Ranking.
open_in_newTakanori ABE's interviewed article titled "Five minutes with…Takanori Abe, Abe & Partners" had been published on Managing Intellectual Property.
Singaporean Law Firm has visited ABE & PARTNERS.
Takanori ABE published the article titled "Amgen v Sanofi/Regeneron in Japan: Function, sequence, mechanism".
open_in_newTakanori ABE's article titled "Amgen v Sanofi/Regeneron in Japan: Function, sequence, mechanism" had been published on LSIPR.
German Law & Patent Firm has visited ABE & PARTNERS.
open_in_newTakanori ABE has been selected as Top 50 IP Experts of Japan 2024 by Asia IP.
open_in_newTakanori ABE gave a speech entitled "Amgen v. Sanofi/Regeneron in Japan" at the session "Amgen vs Sanofi/Regeneron” at Pharma & Biotech Patent Litigation Summit, Europe.
Takanori ABE published the article titled "Preliminary injunctions in pharmaceutical patent cases in Japan".
open_in_newTakanori ABE's article titled "Preliminary injunctions in pharmaceutical patent cases in Japan" had been published on LSIPR.
open_in_newTakanori ABE gave a speech entitled "Japan, Pharma and Biotech Patent Litigation Case Law Review" at Pharma & Biotech Patent Litigation Summit, Europe.
Our firm member enjoyed a tour of the Ijinkan (former foreign residences) in Kobe and held a year-end party.
UK Law Firm has visited ABE & PARTNERS.
UK Patent Firm has visited ABE & PARTNERS.
UK Law & Patent Firm has visited ABE & PARTNERS.
German Law & Patent Firm has visited ABE & PARTNERS.
German Law & Patent Firm has visited ABE & PARTNERS.
Takanori ABE has been selected as IP Star 2023 by Managing Intellectual Property.
Takanori ABE gave a speech entitled "Issues with the re-examination system having both a function of ensuring the safety of medicinal products and a function of data protection - The necessity to redesign the re-examination system from both pharmaceutical and IP perspectives -" at the client company (a pharmaceutical company, listed on the Prime Market of Tokyo Stock Exchange).
open_in_newTakanori ABE gave a speech entitled "Experimental use exception (Bolar) in Japan" at the session "The Bolar Exemption and Safe Harbor" at Life Sciences Strategy Summit on IP & Exclusivity.
Takanori ABE's article titled "Patent royalty claim dismissed due to a demurrer, admitting the reach of an arbitration agreement" had been published on JCA Journal.
open_in_newTakanori ABE gave a speech entitled "Patent Term Extensions in Japan" at the session "Global Patent Term Extension Update" at Life Sciences Strategy Summit on IP & Exclusivity.
Takanori ABE's published the article titled "Issues with the re-examination system having both a function of ensuring the safety of medicinal products and a function of data protection - The necessity to redesign the re-examination system from both pharmaceutical and IP perspectives -".
open_in_newTakanori ABE gave a speech entitled "Experimental use exception (Bolar) in Japan" at the session "Spotlight on the Bolar Exemption" at Life Sciences IP Summit.
open_in_newTakanori ABE gave a speech entitled "Patent Term Extensions in Japan" at the session "Patent Term Extension Master Class" at Life Sciences IP Summit.
Takanori ABE gave a speech entitled "5G in Japan" at 5G Webinar_Who is Leading the 5G Patent Race - Asia.
Takanori ABE co-authored an article with a medical doctor entitled "Treatment of germ cell tumor and medical liability".
open_in_newTakanori ABE conducted as a moderator at a session titled "FRAND/SEP regulation across the globe" at IAM Connect SEP Summit.
open_in_newTakanori ABE's article titled "Regimen patents in Japan: LCM failures and successes" had been published on LSIPR.
Takanori ABE published the article titled "Regimen patents: LCM failures and successes".
Takanori ABE's article titled "Generic should sue the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare instead of filing a DJ action, says IP High Court" had been published on Managing Intellectual Property.
Takanori ABE published the article titled "Generic should sue the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare instead of filing a DJ action, says IP High Court".
Takanori ABE gave a speech entitled "Standard Essential Patents: Judgments, Guidelines, the automotive industry in Japan. Connected Cars and Patent Litigation." at KTK.